The Optimal Response

I was reading this post on a coaching platform by fellow coach Dani, and it really clicked as an exemplar of the focused journaling I invite my clients to use, especially when stuck or working on making the most creative choice – instead of letting reactivity such as strong negative emotions and outdated thinking make the choice for them. Here’s how we Choose Love, Choose Liberation!

Dani Trusca

Fragments from imaginary dialogues

“I messed up.

What is the optimal response?”

“It’s a matter of optimally directing attention.

Let’s first focus on the opposite question: (Inversion)

What is the worst response?”

“Focusing on the problem, instead of the solution.
Focusing on what you can’t control, instead of what you can.”

“If you dwell on the problem, you’re stuck in the past.

This is a sunken cost pattern – the past, which is outside your control, influences the present.

As long as you’re stuck in the past, you’re more likely to mess up again, which makes the problem bigger, hence more likely to mess up yet again. This negative feedback loopis a downward spiral pattern.

The optimal response requires breaking these patterns by focusing on what you can control.

It’s useful to think of it as a practice.”

“What is the structure of the practice?”

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Published by creativechangecoaching

I am an expat and loving my experience of being at home wherever I am. As a writer, blogger and author my passion is to inspire creative practices that make one part of the solution. I am an artist, coach, workshop designer and facilitator, researcher, entrepreneur and more... this comes from rising to the challenge to reinvent myself. My motto is Life goes on... only differently!

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