Creating Your Daily Practice 2020


Are you looking for some interesting and powerful new ideas that will help you define, design and deliver on your practices (aka habits), in all areas of your life? When will you take the initiative and invest some deliberate effort into designing your destiny?

The choice is yours:

Will you choose to be the Pioneer of Possibility or Prisoner of the Past? Will you Design & Deliver on your Destiny, or will you Default on your Destiny?

I have recently joined an online group called “Daily Practice 2020”, facilitated by Eric Maisel, Creativity Coach and Mental Health activist. As a Creativity & Transformation Coach, I have designed many practices that I use successfully with my clients.

I am seeing this participation of mine in the online group, (which is accompanied by a Beta version of Eric’s ‘The Power of Daily Practice’ book), as an opportunity to organise my ideas into an innovative and simple format. To make my participation more meaningful, I am creating this blog.

I also invite you to see this in the spirit in which all new ventures must be taken… in a spirit of adventure. Adventures and experiments are all about leaving the familiar behind and venturing into the unknown, where miracles happen! For miracles to happen, we must make give ourselves permission to make messes and mistakes. You can expect to see a lot of those here, and therefore, you can also safely expect the unexpected!

May you create a prosperous practice,


On this page, I will share resources I create that can be used as a reference. I will also share my experiments and invite and support you as you to do some journeying of your own.

Explore, Play, Appreciate!


Published by creativechangecoaching

I am an expat and loving my experience of being at home wherever I am. As a writer, blogger and author my passion is to inspire creative practices that make one part of the solution. I am an artist, coach, workshop designer and facilitator, researcher, entrepreneur and more... this comes from rising to the challenge to reinvent myself. My motto is Life goes on... only differently!

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