HEALS to Create Hope

To create hope in these turbulent and uncertain times, I have created a guided relaxation experience. Please find the transcript and recording here for your enjoyment. Transcript HEALS FOR HOPE Intention: create experience of HOPE What is hope? And how do I keep hope alive? What makes hope tricky is that at first sight, itContinue reading “HEALS to Create Hope”

Creating Your Daily Practice 2020

Introduction Are you looking for some interesting and powerful new ideas that will help you define, design and deliver on your practices (aka habits), in all areas of your life? When will you take the initiative and invest some deliberate effort into designing your destiny? The choice is yours: Will you choose to be theContinue reading “Creating Your Daily Practice 2020”

Progress is Conscious, Creative Choice

One of the biggest challenges in today’s society is learning how to balance all of the different areas of our lives. A hundred years ago, life seemed simpler because people’s roles seemed more defined. Today, the world is much less predictable. The unspoken expectation is that in order to be a thriving, contributing, happy andContinue reading “Progress is Conscious, Creative Choice”

52 Steps to Creating a Life You Love

I posted this link to a free coaching book on kindle on one of my other sites. I have just downloaded and started reading it. It is well written by Hunter Phoenix. Doing your best in this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. ~Oprah I love the quote: Expecting theContinue reading “52 Steps to Creating a Life You Love”

Dream Big Anyway

It’s a day like any other except that it is not like any other. The wisdom of Confucius comes to mind: “You cannot step into the same river twice”. I wake up to my thoughts about my deep dream. I wonder if there is a difference between a Big Dream and a Deep Dream andContinue reading “Dream Big Anyway”

Life Balance Wheel

The miracle is that there is grace in imperfection. There are countless books, blog posts and workshops that teach “life balance”. I have also noticed that most of these tell you what the most important areas of your life should be and of course, they ask you to begin with measuring your satisfaction in eachContinue reading “Life Balance Wheel”

Creative Practices

Your life does not get better by change, it gets better by change. I have spent the greater part of my day test driving a new practice. My regular journaling practice is called: “Creative Change Chronicles”. Over the years it has grown and expanded to support my needs, growing to include a TA-DA list whereContinue reading “Creative Practices”

The Appreciation Antidote

The nectar of compassion is so wonderful. If you are committed to keeping it alive, then you are protected. What the other person says will not touch off the anger and irritation in you, because compassion is the real antidote for anger. ~Thich Nhat Hanh Anger in itself is not a negative emotion, it isContinue reading “The Appreciation Antidote”

Art Portfolio

Hi again, This new site is a merging of my creativechangecoaching.eu site and aneesahbakker.co.uk. The former is my coaching website and the latter is my art portfolio which is a single webpage containing links to slideshows that feature the different styles of my paintings – called series. These include Wild At Art, Still Lifes, PalaceScapesContinue reading “Art Portfolio”

New Beginnings

Welcome to Creative Change Coaching! This page is a new start… a migration of my website that has evolved, expanded and grown over the last 10 years. Changing times means I had to change with time. This inevitably leads to outgrowing what worked and being in the awesome and undefined position of finding a newContinue reading “New Beginnings”